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CelGREEN Universal qPCR mix (2x)

Intercalating dye-based qPCR mix compatible with all qPCR cyclers


  • Proprietary intercalating dye that does not inhibit PCR (SYBR® Green alternative)
  • Fast extension results in early Ct values
  • Superior sensitivity on low copy number templates
  • Enhanced specificity supported by a hot-start enzyme
  • Good performance on difficult templates
  • Compatible with all qPCR cyclers


CelGREEN Universal qPCR mix combines an enhanced buffer system containing a proprietary intercalating dye with an advanced enzyme to result in fast, highly specific PCR with market-leading sensitivity.

The antibody-mediated hot start polymerase limits the formation of primer dimers and generates highly specific products from extremely low copy number templates.  The proprietary intercalating dye that enables amplicon quantification does not affect the efficiency of the PCR (as reported for other commonly used dyes).  The mix contains all components required for sensitive, reproducible qPCR (expect the template and primer pair) with little or no optimization required.

The ready-to-use real time PCR mix performs well on difficult templates (rich n GC/AT content) and gives reproducible, robust amplification of DNA, cDNA and viral DNA targets.

The Universal qPCR mix is supplied with a separate tube of 50μM ROX dye that may be used with instruments requiring ROX as a passive reference dye.  CelGREEN Universal qPCR mix is suitable for use on all real time PCR cyclers.


Use restrictions

For research use only.  Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


  • Gene expression analysis
  • Absolute quantification
  • High through-put qPCR from DNA/cDNA/viral DNA
  • Detection of low copy number templates
  • Crude sample PCR


Instrument compatibility For use with all real time PCR instruments (supplied with a separate tube of rox dye)
Amplification detection Intercalating dye (FAM channel)
Format Ready-to-use 2x mix
Polymerase CelTaq HS DNA polymerase
Increased specificity Hot-start modification
Cycling speed Standard and fast modes
Shelf life 12 months (if stored correctly)


Ordering Info

Cat no. Pack size 2x CelGREEN Universal qPCR mix ROX Additive (50μM)
CM3111-0200 200 rxns 2 x 1ml 1 x 0.2ml
CM3111-0500 500 rxns 5 x 1ml 1 x 0.2ml
CM3111-1000 1000 rxns 10 x 1ml 2 x 0.2ml


CelGREEN Universal qPCR mix Product Brochure

CelGREEN Universal qPCR mix Product Manual

CelGREEN Universal qPCR mix Product Manual – mobile

CelGREEN Universal qPCR mix MSDS


Store the kit at -20°C upon arrival.  This product is shipped on ice blocks and can be kept at 4°C for 4 weeks without affecting the product performance.  Full enzyme activity is retained for 12 months when stored at the recommended conditions and can endure up to 30 freeze/thaw cycles.

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